Lance M. Kruse, Ph.D.


Kruse, L., Gregory, S. E., Sondergeld, T. A., & Bostic, J. D. (in press). Validity and test-length reduction strategies for complex assessments. Journal of Applied Measurement.

Mata-McMahon, J., Haslip, M. J., and Kruse, L. (in press). Validation study of the Early Childhood Educators’ Spiritual Practices in the Classroom (ECE-SPC) instrument using Rasch. Early Education and Development.

May, T., Koskey, K., Stone, G., Bostic, J., Kruse, L. & Matney, G. (2023). Evaluating the differential impact of dichotomous and partial credit scoring models on student problem-solving assessment outcomes. School Science and Mathematics, 1-14.

Hunt, J., Duarte, A., Miller, B., Bentley, B., Albrecht, L., & Kruse, L. (2023). Teacher beliefs and perspectives of practice: Impacts of online professional learning. Education Sciences, 13(1), 68.

Kruse, L., Sondergeld, T. A., Bostic, J., Waddell, E. A., Ibarrola Recalde, G. D., & Stone, G. (2020). Evaluating the impact of the common core for achievement middle grades mathematical proficiency program. Pennsylvania Educational Leadership, 39(2), 5-33.


Kruse, L., Impellizeri, W., Witherel, C., & Sondergeld, T. (2020). Evaluating the impact of an assessment course on preservice teachers’  classroom assessment literacy and self-efficacy. Mid-Western Educational Research Association, 32(2), 107-132.


Lavery, M. R., Bostic, J. D., Kruse, L., Krupa, E. E., & Carney, M. B. (2020). Argumentation surrounding argument‐based validation: A systematic review of validation methodology in peer‐reviewed articles. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 39(4), 116–130. 

Sondergeld, T. A., Stone, G. E., & Kruse, L. M. (2018). Objective Standard Setting in educational assessment and decision making. Educational Policy, 34(5), 735–759.

Kruse, L., Schlosser, M., & Bostic, J. (2017). Shifting perspectives about the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 77, 34 - 43. 

Bostic, J., Sondergeld, T., Kruse, L., & Folger, T. (2016). PSM7 and PSM8: Validating two problem-solving measures. Journal of Applied Measurement, 18(2), 151-162.

Bostic, J. & Kruse, L. (2016). A book review of mathematics in middle and secondary school: a problem solving approach. [Review of the book Mathematics in middle and secondary school: A problem solving approach, by A. Karp & N. Wasserman]. Teachers College Record.

Kruse, L. (2015). Student perspective and frequency of mathematical textbook use. ScholarWorks BGSU. Paper 207